A Morning Connection

As I rise, every morning without fail, I say this short prayer (coming up!) 

Now before you recoil; “A prayer? I’m not religious”. Well a prayer is simply a spoken connection, an expression to something outside of ourselves. Some might call this ‘Spirt’. 

I am not trying to challenge your beliefs or even encourage you to have one! All I know is how I feel. I always feel more elevated and peaceful at the recitation of a short morning prayer.

We can often feel urges of wanting or needing certain people or events to do things, but if we reconfigure this and open up to what ever presents itself to us - and, moreover, accept it, it can create a joyful and more free flowing day.

And for me, the less I ‘grasp’ and ‘cling’ to ideas/beliefs/systems and be open to what is presented, the more joyful my life seems to be. It is still a work in progress for sure, but with every time I recite it, the broader and happier the openings feel.

Offering this prayer has also helped me reduce feelings of ‘disappointment’ when I have planned or expected something to happen. This does not mean that I don’t make plans and goals but it has helped me to soften and open up to the natural ebb and flow of life. 

Frankly, the more we try and control things the less joyful life might feel. 

The less we try to control, the softer, and more flowing our life can be,

Here is it is. It’s short and sweet and the first words I say every day:

Dear Great Spirit

What would You have me do?

Where would You have me go?

What would You have me say, and to whom?

From, The Course in Miracles, Lesson 71.


Wonderful world of washing up